Startup tips from Stepan Hlinka via twitter

Your customer's fear of loss is more powerful than their desire for gain.
Don't sell the product, sell the outcome.
Don't lower your prices, increase your value.
Start with a narrow niche first and expand later.
Desirable outcome + proof + scarcity + urgency + guarantee + bonuses = irresistible offer.
Don't rely on social media, build your email list.
Story is the most powerful marketing weapon.
If you try to appeal to everyone, you'll end up appealing to no one.
Ask for the sale every single day.
100 ideal followers are more valuable than 10,000 random followers.
Use retargeting ads to show content and offers to all website visitors & followers, it prints money.
Email your list at least 1x a week.
Always pre-sell your offer before building it.
The greatest skill you can develop is decreasing the time between idea and execution.
People buy with emotion (stories), then justify with logic (statistics, graphs, data).
Study psychology, persuasion, and copywriting.
98% of people are not ready to buy now, but if you keep showing up, they might buy later.
Most money is in the follow-up.
The goal of your front-end offer is to acquire new customers, not to make a profit.
The goal of your back-end offer is to make a profit.
Focus on building a monthly recurring revenue so you don't start each month at -zsh.
The goal of your marketing is to make your prospects feel understood.
Respond with "I completely understand" to every objection from a prospect.
Your job on a sales call is to ask specific questions, shut up and listen.
Best-known product will beat the best product every single time.
It is not how much you make, it is how much you keep.
He or she who can afford to spend the most to acquire a new customer wins.
Never compromise your reputation for money.
You are selling certainty and security — no matter what you’re selling.
Offer payment plans — but incentive upfront payments.