Norwegian words on Duolingo
Days of the Week
Quotes on the internet
Months from English to Norwegian
Demo videos of learnalist on youtube
Akin's Laws of Spacecraft Design
Rainbow colours in Norwegian
Names for candy floss around the world
Seasons in Norwegian
Five Oceans
learn vs progress
Startup tips from Stepan Hlinka via twitter
Autumn from @norwegian.with.tor
Ways to save twitter threads
First run of 2023
Norwegian 29th December 2022
Soft skills
English to Norwegian verb meaning / tenses
To play with examples in Norwegian
To lick with examples in Norwegian
To Depend with examples in Norwegian
To kiss with examples in Norwegian
Top 20 healthiest fruits in Norwegian
To bath with examples in Norwegian
12 Phrases in Australian
Words with silent d in Norwegian
Different types of tired (
To chew with examples in Norwegian
Language learning software
Useful verbs when cooking from a recipe in Norwegian
Useful sizes and measurements when following a recipe in Norwegian
Maternity words / phrases English to Norwegian
Interesting git repos 2024-11-30